My name is Ignacia J. Heyer and I lived in 187 Mount Vernon St. Apt. #2W Lawrence, MA, 01843-3329. Here is a copy of my driver’s license. I live in a four family house which have four apartments, there are two apartments on the first floor and I live in one of the apartments, on the second floor. We all have different mail boxes and different door bell. I am from the Dominican Republic; I became American citizen in 1990. The four families who live in these apartments are all from different countries, we are not related to each other in any how. I rum a mail order business from home, but I haven’t been able to make any money because I have been sabotage by everyone. I am sorry if it sound like I am crying but this is the only way to clarify this misunderstanding, the guessing, the hate. I did not do anything to anyone but you are allowed to hate me if you want this is a free country. I have a twenty four years old daughter which is my greater achievement, she graduated from college when she was twenty one and now she is going to school to get her master, she is the only child I have, and I don’t have a son. I am not married, I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t own a hair salon. I don’t own the house where I live in, I don’t own another house, I rent.